1000 dollar bill template.tigress666
Apr 9, 12:36 AM
I got far more enjoyment out of Infinity Blade for 6 dollars than I did out of Pilot Wings Resort 3DS for 40 dollars...just sayin.
They want 40 dollars for *that*? I went to go play with a 3DS and it had the pilot wings resort game. It came off as a very cheapy game (I was wishing they had something more interesting as a demo *sigh*)...
I have several games on my iphone that I'd play for a lot longer including some puzzle games (boxed in, Sudoko, Myst), some that were ported over (Final Fantasy II, Prince of Persia, Assassin's Creed), simulators (Asphalt 5, Need for Speed Shift). The most expensive of those was FFII at 8 or so dollars (and I got it on sale for 5!), and some were free (Sudoko, Boxed In) and many were .99 (on sale. If you like Gameloft games such as PoP and Assassin's Creed and Asphalt 5, if you wait and watch you can generally get them for a buck *grin*).
And that's just the ones I've started (Squaresoft and Gameloft both had sales recently so I picked up 5 or 6 games, mostly rpgs, all for less than 20 bux plus still have some other Gameloft games i bought I haven't gotten to, like Hero of Spartan II. Plus I got Riven for 3 dollars).
Yeah, sure, no touch controls. But the controls are decent enough that they don't take too much away from the fun and the games are still fun and I'll take the slightly less good controls for the much bigger difference in price. Especially if they are charging 40 dollars for something like Pilot Wings resort, something I'd probably only put on my iphone if they had it free for a day.
Anyways, I won't trade my iphone for the 3Ds even just for gaming purposes. Unless the 3DS actually gets good games, but in general I usually find Nintendo gets cheesy crap. I think I'd be much more excited over Sony's new handheld whenever it comes out. But, my iphone is good enough and it is a lot more portable (it's smaller than either and will fit in my pocket) and the games are cheaper so I'm happy enough with it. If i had disposable income I might consider the Sony as well (maybe, it looks kinda sizable and I honestly like my iphone as a gaming machine partly cause it is small enough to go everywhere with me as it fits in my purse. Shoot, all the games can easily come with me too cause I don't have to carry a bunch of cartridges, they're already loaded in).
100 dollar bill template.I can't see how Apple making a Bluetooth controller, which, say looked a bit like a PS3/360 controller, and selling it as an optional accessory could be in any way a negative thing.
No-one would be forced to buy it, and no devs would be forced to support it.
Apple could insist every game have on screen controls for people who wanted to only use the touch screen for gaming.
But apps could support the external controller also.
This could only be win win for Apple and users.
It's adding additional functionality and adding the possibility for more advanced games to be developed for the device in the future, esp as the speed will only get better as new iPad's come out.
Not doing so, almost feels like they wish to cripple the device forever.
Why would anyone say they would not want Apple to give users and devs the "Option" of something like this? Not force people to use it, but sell it as an "Option"
If they do this then the iPad had a chance of becoming a genuine serious gaming device in the home in the long term. If they insist forever to only support touch screen, then the iPad will always remain that thing which plays cheap and simple games.
Hundred Thousand Dollar BillI would be thrilled if only 4.5% of my calls were dropped. While I don't use talk on the phone much, nearly 50% of my calls end up dropping at some point.
1000 dollar bill template.caspersoong
Apr 29, 04:17 AM
Apple should expand their market and get more units here in Southeast Asia.
1000 dollar bill template.Dr.Gargoyle
Jul 11, 10:42 PM
Sounds like these new Mac Pros are going to be expensive.
I doubt that Apple are able to charge the "normal" Mac premium after the intel transition, since it is much simpler to compare Macs with another PCs. Almost like Apple for Apple. ;)
1000 dollar bill template. 10I wish we could get more details then "it could be released after mid-November.." OF COURSE it will be released after mid-November, but what does that mean? End of November? December? January? I just want to know when it will be out!!
I think what that statement is getting at is that they will definitely not be released any sooner than mid-November. (I'm assuming that's when they will be officially "released".) But how soon afterwards, you're right, is anyone's guess. Just look at what Apple has done with the C2D chips. It took them a little longer than some of its competitors to include them in the MBPs, and we still don't have them in the MacBooks. (Of course, we may never see them in the MacBooks, until Santa Rosa, who knows... :o)
1000 dollar bill template. 500I didn't notice any TV inputs on the prototype, so unless Apple changes the design significantly and adds major features not discussed at the event, DVR is not a possibility (as far as this device is concerned).
...I suppose there is a small chance Apple could do this, but I'm tired of getting my hopes up only to be disappointed by Apple (again).
1000 dollar bill template.My thoughts on the hard-drive are very similar to "adamflip's" and "chromos's" in that it's simply a way to get around the video streaming limitations of the 802.11g protocol.
If you've got a movie sitting on your iMac in one room and it can simply transfer the iTunes video file to the iTV in the living room then the iTV could begin playback in a fairly short period of time while it caches the remainder of the movie to the iTV HD during playback. Voila - streaming problem solved.
I'm presuming that all the functionality to stream music (i.e. - airport express like...) will be incorportaed into the device and that no data other than that which is cached to it will be stored on the hard-drive. In other words, you won't store movies, music, etc. on the iTV - you'd continue to do that via your desktop Mac and manage them in iTunes.
I, personally, could care less about any DVR functionality as my HD cable-box already provides me with this functionality.
What I would love to see is DVD playback so that this box could essentially replace my existing DVD player in my home theater system.
blank dollar bill template.Nicely said. Even if you can output the iPod/iPhone/iPad video to a TV, it doesn't matter. The games are 99c for a reason! The app store is FULL of rubbish, as you rightly point out.
In my opinion Lego Harry Potter on the iPad was the definitive version on any platform, and superb on through the 2 onto the big screen.
1000 dollar bill template.cult hero
Apr 13, 12:14 AM
Since I'm not a video editor, what I find most interesting about this product is the price. Mind you, time will tell HOW interesting the price is but if it's truly a "Pro" app (and I don't care about your current opinion on the matter since no one here has used it) and they're selling it for $300... THAT is very interesting.
I'm curious to see what Lion sells for when it's released. I think Apple's gonna start pushing software prices down. How's that for weird?
1000 dollar bill. fake dollarMacAddict1978
Apr 15, 11:05 AM
I have a couple problems with this approach. There's so much attention brought to this issue of specifically gay bullying that it's hard to see this outside of the framework of identity politics.
Where's the videos and support for fat kids being bullied? Aren't they suicidal, too, or are we saying here that gays have a particular emotional defect and weakness? They're not strong enough to tough this out? Is that the image the gay community wants to promote?
Man, being a fat kid in high school. That was rough. There were a number of cool, popular gay guys in my school. I'm sure they took some crap from some people, but oh how I would have rather been one of them! But hey, I'm still here, I'm still alive.
Bullying is a universal problem that affects just about anyone with some kind of difference others choose to pick on. It seems like everyone is just ignoring all that for this hip, trendy cause.
It's rotten to pick on anyone. However,it's very rare that someone is medically over weight because of a condition. I got rather heavy in my lifetime, but see, I can get off my lazy butt and do something about that. I have a choice. If it is a medical issue, I have other options. Or I can make the best of my appearance, it's all on the outside. If people picked on me because of my weight, I could be motivated to maybe drop some pounds? Live better? It's like the kid that had millions of pimples (and I was that kid too). You can treat it and make it go away. Sorry pal, but no amount of weight lifting, dieting, or acne cream can change who you are. Someone can't go on a gay diet and make the gay go away. Did people hate you because of what you were born into, who you were? NO. Did you go home and wonder if you told you mom your ass got a little bigger she'd throw you into the street? And funny, but see if a teacher hears someone making fun of you, they'll do something about it. There are teachers who make fun of gay kids with students. Not to say there isn't a teacher who might think things about heavy kids too, but hatred and making fun of someone are very different. People hate you that don't even know you because they're taught to. You could go to the prom with whoever you wanted and not be afraid of it or told you're not allowed. They don't tell kids they can't go to the prom because they have a weight problem, but many schools tell gay kids they can't bring the date they want to.
I'm not a special rights person. I'm an equal rights person, and that's missing. And as a kid that was fat, covered in pimples, and gay, I can only saw to have to deal with only being heavy would have been like a freaking dream! When you were in high school, did you see storeis about kids hung from trees because their peers lynched them for being over weight? I can't recall ever such a story, but I can think of at least 20 where gay kids were murdered out of hate. Truly, if being called fat ass was the worse thing I ever had to deal with, I'd be happy!
1000 dollar bill template.Blue Velvet
Mar 27, 05:26 PM
But no one here has proved that Nicolosi is an unreliable representative of his field.
Sorry, but that's not how it works.
You expressed approval for his findings, you were the one who explicitly made him a topic of conversation. I and Gelfin asked you, based precisely on what, knowing full well the disreputable reputation he and his organisation has and the damage that he has done to many people... every major professional organisation in the behavioural sciences disagrees with him. Pointing out the core belief behind his philosophy, you seemed ignorant of it, yet somehow approved of his findings.
No-one in this conversation is a clinical psychologist or a psychiatrist, so they have to lean on reputable sources. The Surgeon General of the United States is just one example of a medically and scientifically reliable voice. And somehow, that's not good enough? Well, there's more:
No major mental health professional organization has sanctioned efforts to change sexual orientation and most of them have adopted policy statements cautioning the profession and the public about treatments that purport to change sexual orientation. These include the American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Association, American Counseling Association, National Association of Social Workers in the USA, the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and the Australian Psychological Society.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Association_for_Research_%26_Therapy_of_Homosexuality#Position_of_professional_organization s_on_sexual_orientation_change_efforts
Why don't you tell us precisely why all these organisations are wrong and why NARTH and their ilk are right, since you claim to understand and agree with their findings?
1000 dollar bill template.leekohler
Apr 15, 12:20 PM
Insulting language never helps.
Here is a link to a *gasp* dictionary!
linky (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/chastity)
Definition a and b.
Oh snap! :D That had to sting a little. ;)
Sorry. That was rude of me.
It's OK, but you were also wrong, as indicated by the dictionary. Let's try to bring it down a notch. ;)
1000 dollar bill template.Same here, I am ready to buy a Mac Pro. :)
But why?
You have a MacBook Pro AND a PowerMac G5 DUAL 2.3GHz.
What the hell do you do that requires such a powerful machine? :rolleyes:
1000 dollar bill template.NebulaClash
Apr 28, 03:09 PM
OK, so you want a completely independent tablet that does not communicate with anyone or anything unless you want it to but can still be useful as is. I don't think you are going to enjoy the next decade. That world is being pushed aside by the connected future. So while you will be able to get the tablet you want, it won't be the tablet most people will want.
You think me young for thinking most PCs are mostly useless without Net connectivity. Fine, make your assumptions. What I was talking about is the business cloud present and future where PCs are becoming front end devices to cloud databases.
As for personal use, most people don't even notice the hardware today any more than most people can tell you the ignition timing specs of their car. They just want to use their apps (drive their car). I think this is a healthy development because the computer should fade into the background for the next level of progress to be made. Don't worry, techies and hackers, you'll always have your devices to take apart (just as anyone can hack a car's engine if they wish). But the vast majority of computer users just want a device that gives them their apps. A new world awaits them, and they are going to love it.
coupon 1000the price difference between a 2.33/2.4 conroe is going to be like 20 bucks in the volume apple is getting, maybe less, memory has about a 60 buck difference for a pair of 512 sticks so it runs up to about 30 bucks in bulk and the motherboard is going to cost about 50 more to apple, thats a total of 100 bucks which will probably be made back by saveings in overhead and support costs.
1000 dollar bill template.Even if your lawyer is somehow able to pull a Harry's Law and convince a court to rule that way, the end result is guaranteed to be that no US wireless carrier will ever offer an unlimited smartphone data plan again.
Big win.
Firstly - I am no lawyer, and will not pretend to be.
Absolutely agree with this (above). AT&T or any other carrier are not required by law to sell you something. "Management reserve the right to sell".
I am also confused by folks stating that "unlimited means unlimited". How are you going to enforce this? By sighting the same contract you think can be ripped up? You can't pick and choose the paragraphs to suit your viewpoint/case.
The outcome will be simple...AT&T will hold their hands up - they got it wrong, and when contracts end, they will refuse to renew them (goodbye GF plans).
Sure - if you manage to win this class action before your contract ends, then you may get a little unlimited tethering for a while, but even if signing today...2 years? No chance. It will take years. Very short sighted, me thinks.
1000 dollar bill template.Originally posted by MacCoaster
javajedi's Java and Cocoa/Objective-C code has been available here (http://members.ij.net/javajedi) for a couple of days. My C# port is available for examination if you e-mail me.
I was thinking of the x86 and PPC assembler produced for the core loops. I could bung the C through GCC and get some assembler on my windy tunnels, true, but I'm not geared up to do the Windows side of things.
500 dollar bill template.I don't want to be a systems integrator. I like the Apple iOS ecosystem, and am glad when I want to use different products, it will be easy and seamless for me to migrate.
One of the significant advantages Apple has is that it is a much more considered decision to leave the Apple ecosystyem then it is to leave the Android environment.
I agree.
I completely understand the idea that unlimited data should have to pay for tethering, although I think there should just be a cap prior to additional charges like verizon does.
What I dont understand is how they think charging tiered data customers for tethering is fair.
Who cares about fair?
I'm going to tether til they change my plan, and when they do, cancel with no ETF, and use the money I would have spent paying the ETF on clear spot 4g+.
Bear in mind that Apple/A T & T were VERY liberal letting people upgrade out of 3G phones, allowing folks to preorder with 6-9-12 months left on contract, a reversal of past practice. Also note that Foxconn gave their workers two pay raises in the last few weeks that add up to 122%. That money came for somewhere so clearly Apple as taking no chances on a supply interruption.
They are very agressively keeping old customers while courting new - in 12 months, we are going to say that the iPhone 4 was the single most successful product Apple history.
Mar 27, 04:56 PM
Although that's true, it doesn't show that homosexuality is a healthy quality to have.
It's funny how social attitudes change. In Christian Rome it was considered perfectly normal for men to have (male) child partners (although this seems to be coming back into fashion in the Catholic church).
In Sparta homosexuality was encouraged because it was thought that spending too much time with women would weaken and feminise the male warriors.
In other city states in ancient Greece homosexuality was also considered the norm.
You are way off on serveral of your points -- iTV is widescreen to HD Complient Devices.
An enthusiast does not want to store DVD's -- they want drive based solutions with drive based backup. This is how all high end stuff is done. I work with a client that supports this kind of setup.
I think you are misguided on this point.
No, actually the guy had a very good point...
a) you're making assumptions on the iTV's capabilities which may not be true
b) iTunes content (music or movies) is of fair, but not great quality - no "Enthusiast" would want it (tech fans aside that is...)
c) Enthusiasts WILL buy HD DVDs / BluRay
d) Enthusiasts will want to OWN the media...
e) Enthusiasts most likely won't touch this with a stick...
As I alluded to earlier though, tech enthusiasts are another story, but these people (like me) are ofter turned on at the idea of doing something new, even if in the end the quality is just so-so
No- according to you, love conquers all until it includes people you don't like. That's not love, it's control.
Jesus never did that to anyone, did he? Nope. Jesus loved everyone no matter what. You are as far from Jesus as you could be. Jesus was nice to whores, even when they continued to be whores. Could you do that?
Your attitude is what turned me off to religion years ago. Jesus was a seriously great person. His fans, suck- nastiest people I've ever met. You don't even know what Jesus was about. Jesus was about unconditional love. Jesus basically said he loved everyone no matter what. That is a beautiful message. Now, it would be nice if the people he talked to would live it, and stop being such jerks.
Who were the whores who continued to whore?
Love the sinner, hate the sin.
My parents had two children. They (mom & dad) were good Christians (not Catholics, though). They hit a "rough patch". До свидание. Your anecdotes are meaningless BS. Religious devotion + children + love < stability.
Many marriages don't get over the rough patch, some don't even try :(
You will say anything to rationalize your prejudice, won't you? I have trouble believing anyone is as dense as you pretend here.
Just in case, though, the government offers legal concessions to men and women who legally (not religiously) commit to a marriage. It refuses to extend those same concessions to same-sex couples, and can demonstrate no legitimate state interest in this discrimination. That is denial of equal treatment under the law, and is unconstitutional.
I'm inarticulate. Well, if it is extending benefits heterosexual marriages then examine why it is doing so and then see what the differences between a heterosexual marriage and a homosexual marriage would be.
So why deny gay families this devotion that is needed, the commitment of marriage? Seems your reasoning is based out of malice if you really believe what you said.
Please explain what I said (I probably badly phrased it).
If you really love someone, surely you don't want to be with anyone else? If so, then it would be pretty moronic not to ultimately work out your issues with the other person.
What the problem is some people can't tell between infatuation and love.
There is no good reason why priests are expected to do it. Peter was married, as were many of the apostles and the priests of the early church. Nor was this confined to the early church:
The Renaissance was a very dark time for the Church.
Actually you're not, because it's not an arbitrary rule. As someone explained to you earlier, there's at least one reason behind banning copulating in the street.
There is no valid reason for prohibiting same-sex marriages. That is arbitrary, and shameful - particularly since it seems to be antiquated, bigoted dogma (that not everyone shares) that is promoting this prohibition.
What a touching story. Don't know what any of this has to do with homosexuality.
And if you are being beaten in the street, and the police walk by instead of coming to your aid - is that depriving you of liberty, or merely "not supporting" you?
Again, don't know what that has to do with homosexuality.
To be fair, I knew what you meant with your comment, but frankly there wasn't any sarcasm in my statement. You were attempting to defend your earlier poorly-constructed post, and I was bemused by it.
What does being gay have to do with being a priest?
I didn't say in the street
Examine the benefits of heterosexual marriage, examine why they are given and then compare with homosexual couples
Marriages don't need to be about love, they need to be a permanent commitment.
Situation would never happen, police don't walk the beat here anymore (thought it would be nice). Also police are obligated to stop crimes in action while the government isn't obligated to create new rights because a very small demographic demands it.
You agree with a mangled, meaningless phrase of dog Latin? Mirabile dictu.
I guess I need a better dictionary
A sentence is also a phrase: all sentences are phrases, but not all phrases are sentences. However, frater, my Latin does not include either subcribo (unless of course he was looking up "sign" and found the word for to sign beneath or subscribe(!)), or of, or a as an indefinite article, for that matter. You could try Id est signum contradictionis, which might make slightly more sense, even in the Vatican. Actually, the id is optional. Hence dog Latin, frater.
Apologies for the horrible Latin, the only non-English language I am fluent in is Mandarin Chinese (specifically the Beijing dialect).